Loving-I'm loving that I recently celebrated my 39th birthday! I don't really have a problem with my age. I always think it's just great to still be able to have a birthday! And I have HUGE plans for my 40th birthday next year!!! I can't wait.
Thinking- My son will be graduating from High School on June 4th. Time is flying!! When the school year started graduation seemed so far away. Now, it is so CLOSE!! Here are a few of his senior pictures that I absolutely love!
Photos taken by RC Photography by Vanessa Sias
(my favorite photographer)
Wanting-I so want to be able to snap my fingers and have everything on my to do list complete. With EOY going on at school and graduation stuff going on at home there is just way too much to get done. Plus, my girls are still playing soccer right now.
Needing-I need to get my son's graduation invitations addressed and mailed by Monday, but I'm thinking it will end up being later in the week.
(sorry for the blurry photo)
Surprise-I just love Liz over at TheHappyTeacher! She is such a sweetie and has wonderful ideas and products. Hop on over to her blog and check her out!
That's all I've got! See you around the blogging world!